2009年9月28日 星期一

Google Calendar Api query constrain

在使用google calendar api 中, 其實有以個預設的查詢限制,

舉例來說,若想要查詢其中一本日曆的事件, 但一次查最多只有25筆
如 : http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/default/private/full

但 若要查詢所有的資料的話,可以設定 max-results 的數量, 將他設定一個很大的值
如,可以將url 改為

見 google 常見問題 How do I retrieve more than 25 results in an event feed?

Google Calendar api in javascript

之前將 google calendar 試過了 .net 和 java 上應用, 現在來試試 javascript 。


1. 必須要架在server 上
可以用 apache 或 iis 的方法, 我這裡是用 eclipse + google app engine 的方式 ,之後在上傳到 google app engine 上

2. 在網頁上要至少放一個圖檔
這個限制有點奇怪,不過不放的話會有一個 「An image of the same domain is required on this page for authenticated reads and all writes.」的錯誤 (參考 Geoffrey's 有人QWERTY絮語

之後照者 Google Calendar APIs and Tools 的教學即可

以下是我寫得 範例

2009年9月17日 星期四

Upload image to the picasa web album

在 C# 要使用 picasa web album data api , 在下在完 google api 後, 記得 include 以下的 dll

  • Google Data API Access Control Library
  • Google Data API Core Library
  • Google Data API Extansions Library
  • Google Data API Picasa Library

這個範例輸入 以下資訊就可以上傳 圖片到picasa,不同於google 官方範例是從檔案路徑讀取檔案在上傳 ,這裡 傳入一個 BitmapImage 即可取得 圖片的資料

註 1、 Image Type
  • image/bmp
  • image/gif
  • image/jpeg
  • image/png
註 2、 Picasa Web Albums Data API - C# delelper's guide

Code 如下

* @Name UpLoadImageToWebAlbum
* Upload photo to the the picasa web album,
* In there, using the StreamSource get the photo byte array
* @param Account [in] - the google accpount
* @param Password [in] - the google accpount's password
* @param AlbumUri [in] - the google picasa web album uri
* @param PhotoID [in] - the photo id
* @param Image [in] - the image which want upload
public void UpLoadImageToWebAlbum(string Account, string Password, string AlbumUri, String PhotoID, BitmapImage Image)

/// Set Service
PicasaService service = new PicasaService("UploadImag");

/// Set Account and Password
service.setUserCredentials(Account, Password);

/// Set Uri
Uri postUri = new Uri(AlbumUri);

/// Set proxy
GDataRequestFactory requestFactory = (GDataRequestFactory)service.RequestFactory;
IWebProxy iProxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy;
WebProxy myProxy = new WebProxy(iProxy.GetProxy(postUri));

///potentially, setup credentials on the proxy here
myProxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

myProxy.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
requestFactory.Proxy = myProxy;

/// Insert photo
/// service.Insert(the album uri, image's StreamSource, image type , the image name );
service.Insert(postUri, Image.StreamSource, "image/png", "" + PhotoID);

///Insert Pic

/// Close stream



Get picasa web album Photo list in album by c#

在 C# 要使用 picasa web album data api , 在下在完 google api 後, 記得 include 以下的 dll

  • Google Data API Access Control Library
  • Google Data API Core Library
  • Google Data API Extansions Library
  • Google Data API Picasa Library

這個範例輸入 帳號、密碼及 AlbumUri 就可以取得 在這個相簿裡的 所有的photo 資料

註1、 AlbumUri 可以見上一篇 取得的 FeedUri
註2、 entry.Content.AbsoluteUri 就是實際存放相片的位址

* @Name GetPhotoListInAlbum
* Get album list from the picasa web album
* @param Account [in] - the google accpount
* @param Password [in] - the google accpount's password
* @param AlbumUri [in] - the google picasa web album uri
public void GetPhotoListInAlbum(string Account, string Password, string AlbumUri)

/// Set Service
PicasaService service = new PicasaService("Get_Album_List");

/// Set Account and Password
service.setUserCredentials(Account, Password);

/// Set Query
PhotoQuery query = new PhotoQuery(AlbumUri);

/// Set proxy
GDataRequestFactory requestFactory = (GDataRequestFactory)service.RequestFactory;

IWebProxy iProxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy;

WebProxy myProxy = new WebProxy(iProxy.GetProxy(query.Uri));

///potentially, setup credentials on the proxy here
myProxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
myProxy.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
requestFactory.Proxy = myProxy;

/// Get feed
PicasaFeed feed = service.Query(query);

/// Get Album count
int count = feed.Entries.Count;

foreach (PicasaEntry entry in feed.Entries)
/// Get album title
string title = entry.Title.Text;

/// Get the image uri
string uri = entry.Content.AbsoluteUri;


Get picasa web album list by c#

在 C# 要使用 picasa web album data api , 在下在完 google api 後, 記得 include 以下的 dll

  • Google Data API Access Control Library
  • Google Data API Core Library
  • Google Data API Extansions Library
  • Google Data API Picasa Library
下面這個 例子 就是 輸入 google 帳號和密碼後就可以取得所有的相簿清單

註1 、 其中要注意的就是 query 的用法, 預設 可以使用 "default" 來取得自己的相簿清單

例如 朋友的帳號為 xxxxx@gmail.com
FriendAccountName = "xxxxx";

語法可以 轉成
AlbumQuery query = new AlbumQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri(FriendAccountName));

註2 、 取得後 entry.FeedUri 可以取得 相簿的 uri 位址, 可利用這個位址取得在這相簿所有的圖片資訊

code 如下

* @Name GetAlbumList
* Get album list from the picasa web album
* @param Account [in] - the google accpount
* @param Password [in] - the google accpount's password
public void GetAlbumList(string Account, string Password)

/// Set Service
PicasaService service = new PicasaService("Get_Album_List");

/// Set Account and Password
service.setUserCredentials(Account, Password);

/// Set Query , default is the account user,
/// "default" can chang other user name to get other album (if that user set public or share with you)
AlbumQuery query = new AlbumQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri("default"));

/// Set proxy
GDataRequestFactory requestFactory = (GDataRequestFactory)service.RequestFactory;

IWebProxy iProxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy;

WebProxy myProxy = new WebProxy(iProxy.GetProxy(query.Uri));

// /potentially, setup credentials on the proxy here
myProxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
myProxy.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
requestFactory.Proxy = myProxy;

/// Get feed
PicasaFeed feed = service.Query(query);

/// Get Album count
int count = feed.Entries.Count;

foreach (PicasaEntry entry in feed.Entries)
/// Get album title
string title = entry.Title.Text;

/// Get Album feed uri , by this uri can get the photo information in this album
string Uri = entry.FeedUri;



2009年9月16日 星期三

圖片存取 in sqlite by C# 2


圖片存取 in sqlite by C#


不同於那篇文章, 現在修改了一部分,能夠讀取畫面中的圖像的byte array
(在此是用C# WPF的語法)

GetImageSourceByte function 說明︰
傳入一個 ImageSource ,利用 PngBitmapEncoder 的方式將ImageSource 轉成一個 Stream 並存入 MemoryStream 中; 最後在從 MemoryStream 取得資料存到 byte array中,

參考 定義

* @Name GetImageSourceByte
* Get the ImageSource Byte array, which can save in database as BLOB type
* @param EventImage [in] - image to save
* @return the image byte array
public byte[] GetImageSourceByte(ImageSource EventImage)
byte[] MyData = null;

/// new a JpegBitmapEncoder and add r into it
PngBitmapEncoder e = new PngBitmapEncoder();
e.Frames.Add(EventImage as BitmapFrame);

/// new memoryStream
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

/// Save to memory

/// Re set the position, or read the memory from the last position
///ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
/// Or set position
ms.Position = 0;

MyData = new byte[ms.Length];
ms.Read(MyData, 0, System.Convert.ToInt32(ms.Length));


return MyData;


這裡說明一下 如何取得 傳入要傳的 ImageSource
參考 定義

/// Get bound of the visual
/// g is the WPF visual object, such as "grid","canvas", "Image", ...
Rect b = VisualTreeHelper.GetDescendantBounds(g);

/// new a RenderTargetBitmap with actual size of c
RenderTargetBitmap r = new RenderTargetBitmap((int)b.Width, (int)b.Height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);

/// Render visual

/// Create BitmapFrame as ImageSource
BitmapFrame BitF= BitmapFrame.Create(r);

/// Get Byte[]
byte[] Img = GetImageSourceByte(BitF);

在此感謝 James 的指點

2009年9月15日 星期二

C# BinaryWriter and BinaryReader 應用


Code 大概是這樣, 將一段字串和一個圖片檔一起存到一個 txt 的 file , 在從file 裡面讀出之前存入的字串和圖片

兩個 function
1. SaveFileByBinaryWrite
2. LoadFileByBinaryReader

Code 如下

SaveFileByBinaryWrite :

* @name SaveFileByBinaryWrite
* Save the file by using BinaryWrite method,
* the file include sample description and the image source binary array
* @param ImgFileRoot [in] - the image file path
* @param Description1 [in] - sample description 1
* @param Description2 [in] - sample description 2
* @param newFile [in] - the new file path
public void SaveFileByBinaryWrite(string ImgFileRoot, string Description1, string Description2, string NewFile)

/// Open FIleStream to transform image to byte array "MyData"
FileStream FsImageSource = new FileStream(ImgFileRoot, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read);
byte[] MyData = new byte[FsImageSource.Length];
FsImageSource.Read(MyData, 0, System.Convert.ToInt32(FsImageSource.Length));

/// Open fileStream to write the information to the txt file
FileStream fs = new FileStream(NewFile, FileMode.CreateNew);

/// Open BinaryWriter
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs);

/// Write information

/// Set the next write start position
/// In there , set 300
bw.Seek(300, SeekOrigin.Begin);

/// Write byte array MyData begin MyData[0] and length is MyData.Length
bw.Write(MyData, 0, MyData.Length);

/// Close the BinaryWriter and fileStream



* @name LoadFileByBinaryReader
* Load the file by using BinaryRead method,
* the file include sample description and the image source binary array
* @param FileRoot [in] - the file path
* @return the BitmapImage to shw the image
public BitmapImage LoadFileByBinaryReader(string FileRoot)

/// Set the Description Length
int DescriptionLength = 300;

/// Open FIleStream to transform image to byte array "MyData"
FileStream fs = new FileStream(FileRoot, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read);

/// Open BinaryReader read the FileStream
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);

/// Declare the description char array
/// In there length is 300
char[] CharDescripion = new char[DescriptionLength];

/// Write the binary array in CharDescripion , start position 0 and length 300
br.Read(CharDescripion, 0, DescriptionLength);

/// Declare the string dscription
string Descripion = "";

/// Write the Char information to the string Descripion
for (int i = 1; i < DescriptionLength ; i++)
/// when no file break

if (CharDescripion[i] == '\0')
Descripion = Descripion + CharDescripion[i];

/// Declare the byte array to get the image
byte[] MyData = new byte[fs.Length - DescriptionLength];

/// Get the ByteLength
int ByteLength = System.Convert.ToInt32(fs.Length - DescriptionLength);
/// Write the binary array in MyData, start position 0 and length ByteLength fs.Read(MyData, 0, ByteLength);
/// Close FIleStream
/// Put the image byte[] to MemoryStream
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(MyData);
/// Declare BitmapImage Bi
Bi = new BitmapImage();
/// Set Bi source from MemoryStream
Bi.StreamSource = ms;
return Bi;

2009年9月11日 星期五

轉貼 從網路取得圖片 儲存 成 Byte[] by C #



這裡有用到 BinaryReader. ReadBytes(count )的 function 可以參考MSDN的說明


其中 count 表示要讀取的位元組數目, 此範例 設 500000,
實際圖片轉換成byte[]必須比這個數目小,否則會lose 資料,
儲存完成 範例的 byte[] b 會依據實際的大小作調整

Code 如下

static public byte[] GetBytesFromUrl(string url)
byte[] b;
HttpWebRequest myReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
WebResponse myResp = myReq.GetResponse();

Stream stream = myResp.GetResponseStream();
//int i;
using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream))
//i = (int)(stream.Length);
b = br.ReadBytes(500000);
return b;

還有將byte[] 儲存成image 的函式

static public void WriteBytesToFile(string fileName, byte[] content)
FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create);
BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(fs);


2009年9月10日 星期四

Get Image form Web by C#

以下範例 簡單的說明c# 取得位在網路上圖片的方法, 並將圖片暫存成 BitmapImage

ImgSource 為一個url string 如 "http://lh3.ggpht.com/_aUxwb_torSg/SZ5FjN1UkzI/AAAAAAAAAds/0FM7vPHF0Ho/showBorder.png"

Code 如下

public BitmapImage GetImagefromWeb(string ImgSource)
/// Declare BitmapImage Bi
BitmapImage Bi = new BitmapImage();

/// Create the requests.
WebRequest requestPic = WebRequest.Create(ImgSource);

/// Se proxy
/// if web request by proxy
IWebProxy iProxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy;

/// Get potentially, setup credentials on the proxy here
iProxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

/// Set proxy
requestPic.Proxy = iProxy;

/// Get response
WebResponse responsePic = requestPic.GetResponse();


/// Set Bi source from Stream
Bi.StreamSource = responsePic.GetResponseStream();


return Bi;


圖片存取 in sqlite by C#

儲存圖片在資料庫中 可以將圖片轉成一種 blob type 的資料型態, 在儲存在資料庫中。

Blob 的相關用法用很多, 如以下的例子 是用 java 存取 mysql 為例

在這裡,將使用 C# 將圖片儲存在 sqlite 上

這裡參考了 這一篇文章 http://sqlite.phxsoftware.com/forums/p/324/1329.aspx#1329


此範例有使用 System.Data.SQLite; library , 如何使用 見

C sharp or .Net 使用sqlite 設定


名稱 函式 說明
CreateDB CreateDB_Click 建立資料庫
SaveToDB Save_Click 將圖片儲存在資料庫
LoadImageFromDB Load_Click 將圖片重資料庫讀出
imageExample null 顯示圖片的物件


若 資料庫 及圖片以儲存 按下 LoadImageFromDB 就會重資料庫讀取檔案並顯示


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;

using System.Data.SQLite;
using System.IO;
using System.Data;

namespace SQLiteBlobTest

/// Interaction logic for Window1.xaml

public partial class Window1 : Window

/// Set Database Root
string DataBaseRoot = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\TestBlobDB.db";

public Window1()

* @name CreateDataBase
* Create Database "TestBlobDB.db",
* Must import System.Data.SQLite or it not work
* @param DataBaseRoot [in] the data base root
public static void CreateDataBase(string DataBaseRoot)

/// Creat Database

/// Open Database and set password
SQLiteConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + DataBaseRoot);

/// Open connect

/// Close connect


* @name CreateBlobTable
* Create table whcih hava two column
* Name , type is nvarchar(40) , to record the name
* Image , type is BLOB , to record the image with byte[]
* Must import System.Data.SQLite or not work
* @param DataBaseRoot [in] the data base root
public void CreateBlobTable(string DataBaseRoot)

/// Open Database
SQLiteConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + DataBaseRoot );

/// Open connect

/// Define SQLite Command object
SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand();
cmd.Connection = cnn;

/// Set commend to create table
cmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE [BlobTable] (Name nvarchar(40), Image BLOB)";

/// Execute the command, iF have exist show error message

/// Close connect

* @name CheckDataBaseExist
* Check database exist or not
* @param DataBaseRoot [in] the data base root
* @return True if exist, otherwise false
public Boolean CheckDataBaseExist(string DataBaseRoot)

/// Set return value
Boolean ExistOrNot;

/// Check file is exits
if (File.Exists(DataBaseRoot))
ExistOrNot = true;
ExistOrNot = false;

return ExistOrNot;

* @name CreateDB_Click
* When click this button , it will create database and table
private void CreateDB_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

/// Set Database Root
string DataBaseRoot = this.DataBaseRoot;

/// Flag id database exist
bool FlagIsDBExist = CheckDataBaseExist(DataBaseRoot);

if (FlagIsDBExist)
MessageBox.Show("The Database is already exist");
/// Create database and table "BlobTable"


* @name Save_Click
* When click this button , it will save the image from cumputer to the database
private void Save_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

/// Set Database Root
string DataBaseRoot = this.DataBaseRoot;

/// Open Database
SQLiteConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + DataBaseRoot);

/// Open connect

/// Define SQLite Command object
SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand();
cmd.Connection = cnn;

/// Open FIleStream to transform image to byte array "MyData"
/// @"C:\20090908002chiachunchuang.jpg" is your image root
FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"C:\20090908002chiachunchuang.jpg", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read);
byte[] MyData = new byte[fs.Length];
fs.Read(MyData, 0, System.Convert.ToInt32(fs.Length));

/// Set commend to save the date to database
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO BlobTable VALUES( 'Test', @blobdata)";
/// When using blob type using the commend to let db save blob type
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@blobdata", MyData);

/// Execute the command

/// Close connect


* @name Load_Click
* When click this button , it get the image from database and show on windows
private void Load_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

/// Declare the byte[] to record the image imformation
byte[] MyData=null;

/// Set Database Root
string DataBaseRoot = this.DataBaseRoot;

/// Open Database
SQLiteConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + DataBaseRoot);

/// Open connect

/// Define SQLite Command object
SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand();
cmd.Connection = cnn;

/// Set commend to get value
cmd.CommandText = "Select * from BlobTable";

/// CommandBehavior -> using System.Data;
/// Read all information
using (SQLiteDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection))

while (dr.Read())
/// Get the value from db
MyData = (Byte[])dr.GetValue(1);



/// Put the image byte[] to MemoryStream
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(MyData);

/// Declare BitmapImage Bi
BitmapImage Bi = new BitmapImage();


/// Set Bi source from MemoryStream
Bi.StreamSource = ms;


/// Set the imageExample's source and it will show on windows
imageExample.Source = Bi;




2009年9月4日 星期五

C sharp 使用 httpRequest 取得 google Auth token

直接使用Google api 來登入 Google 的服務 雖然很方便, 但是每用一次就必須重新驗證一次, 若有要使用很多服務的話也是一件蠻麻煩的事。

所以 Google 提供了一種 ClientLogin 方式的驗證, 讓使用者只要取得一次驗證碼, 之後就不必一直作驗證的動作

以下 是官方的 說明網站

java 範例之前寫過了 見 使用 java http post 取得 google account (AuthSub)

這裡就說明 C# 的方法

輸入 帳號、 密碼即可

會得到 strResponse 如圖, 但我們只要 auth 的驗證碼就好

所以在此用 Split('=') 的方法找出 需要的字串

* @name GetGoogleAuth
* Get Google Auth code
* @return string Auth
public string GetGoogleAuth(string Account, string Password)
string Auth="";

/// Create the request obj
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin");

/// Set proxy

/// Set values for the request back
req.Method = "POST";
req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
string strNewValue = "accountType=HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE&Email=" + Account +
"&Passwd=" + Password +
req.ContentLength = strNewValue.Length;

/// Write the request
StreamWriter stOut = new StreamWriter(req.GetRequestStream(), System.Text.Encoding.ASCII);

/// Do the request to get the response
StreamReader stIn = new StreamReader(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream());
string strResponse = stIn.ReadToEnd();

/// Split string and set token
string[] parts = strResponse.Split('=');

/// Save the Auth Token
/// Auth Token id in the last string
GoogleAuthToken= parts[parts.Length - 1];

Auth = GoogleAuthToken;
Auth = "";

return Auth;


* @name SetProxyServer
* Set the Proxy Server if have Proxy Server
public void SetProxyServer(HttpWebRequest req)

IWebProxy iProxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy;
/// potentially, setup credentials on the proxy here
iProxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
req.Proxy = iProxy;